söndag 12 oktober 2008

A really tough Saturday...

This Saturday was really tough.

I started the day at about 10 in the morning by eating a big bowl of fake Cornflakes with a banana. By the time the enzymes in my stomach had got to work digesting the food, I had brought forth the beach chair and was happily listening to this weeks audio edition of "The Economist" on the roof. The chair is very unergonomic, and thus, it was quite a fuss to reach over to my waterbottle when I was thirsty. After about an hour or so I was too exhausted from all the sun so I decided to go back inside for a while.

The other guys and I had decided we wanted to have an asado (barbeque) during the evening at my place so I had to go buy meat for the evening as well. The carnicero is a whole street (the width of a street) from my door so it was a days work to go all the way down to the ground floor, out the door, and across the street. I also had a hard time choosing which meat to barbeque since there was so much. I ended up buying 1,5 kg of lomo, 2,5 kg of asado, 2 kg of vacío and 18 chorizos. The handles to the plastic bag broke on the way home. Nothing seemed to go my way...

When I got home I realized that I needed to buy salad and beer as well, and this time I had to go to the store which was a whole block from my building. The temperature was now 25 degrees and the sun was burning in the sky. Exhausted from carrying and walking in the heat, I finally had what I needed for the asado.

We had also decided to go see the Argentina-Uruguay game that was to be played at Monumental that evening. Before the game, however, we decided to go to David's place for some warm-up beers and some billiards. We also took this opportunity to watch the Sweden-Portugal game. It is hard work to watch 2 football games in the same day.

The game is, as they say, history. Argentina won comfortably 2-1 with goals from Messi and Kun. Their defence however is far from impressive. 'Nuf said. When I grow old I will be able to say "I saw Messi play when he was the best in the world." That's quite something.

After the game we had to walk the whole 20 minute walk from the stadium to my apartment. Hungry and thirsty. And now it had started to rain.

When we got home, however, Alfredo had already started the asado. Being Argentinian he had no intentions of letting us try to cook the meat by ourselves. We could cut the salad and pour the beer but not touch the meat.

By the time we had finished all the meat we were really exhausted. It is hard work eating that much meat and you have to drink quite a lot of Quilmes to wash it down. Good thing we are all in the Quilmes FC football team. It is also quite annoying that it gets stuck in your teeth.

Everyone was so tired after the asado that we decided to buy some more beer and just sit and talk for the rest of the evening.

At about two I was left with the dishes and everybody went home.

Life's tough.

2 kommentarer:

Ulrica sa...

Stackare! Jag mår så dåligt å dina vägnar. Nu har jag tagit reda på var Sveriges ambassad ligger i B.A., så kan du gå dit och få lite stöd och tröst. Det är ju riktigt hemskt hur ni svenskar behöver ha det på lördagarna i Argentina!

Tacuari 147, piso 6
C1071AAC Buenos Aires

Anonym sa...

Si señor!!
un buen dia de competición! Nos hemos hecho a la vida argentina 100% :D
A la proxima, con sol y chicks!