lördag 4 oktober 2008

Tango, tango, tango...

This Friday we had a tango show at the university. It was to be my first tango performance, and my very first dance performance in front of an audience! I'm usually not nervous before concerts or similar performances, but this was different. Now I not only had to do well for my own sake, but I also had to make sure I didn't mess up the dance for Sarah, my lovely dance partner. She knows how to dance, and in this case, I think I was the weakest link. And besides, if the girl takes a wrong step, she can always blame it on the guy.

For the show, I had given my camera to Marco, an italian guy who calls me "The walking babylon tower" after I read his Japanese tattoo on his arm. I kinda like that nickname. He started taking photos, but had to leave after a while. Being Argentina, our show was delayed by about half an hour so he gave the camera to his friend and told her to take photos. She, in turn, had to go make photocopies exactly when we did our part of the show so now I have 100 photos of random Argentine people dancing tango, and none of me dancing. I wonder if that falls under the category Murphy's law?

Sarah's friend, however, managed to take some pictures during our performance, and we also took some photos of the tango poses we know. All-in-all we had a great time. (At least I did!)

Focus... focus...


Sergi the Catalan in the middle! (6-1 against Atlético... sixth win in a row! Finally)

One of the two finale poses we know! I call this one... hmmm.... "Numero Uno"

If you are wondering why all of a Sundin I am writing in English, it's because Sarah thought it was unfair for me to be able to read her blog, and she didn't understand Swedish. Maybe I will write more posts in English in the future. I kinda miss the old Mrs. Ota and Mrs. Parkhurst writing assignments. Who knows, maybe I will even start to write in Spanish one day! Aún falta mucho para alcanzar el nivel requerido! Ciao!

4 kommentarer:

Sarah Anne sa...

Haha, you're too sweet. You definitely weren't the weakest link.

Me encantaria bailar contigo en una milonga...seria buenisima! Nos vemos martes...put on your dancin' shoes! ;-)

Anonym sa...

Che "tio" Jonas, como os va por Buenos Aires!. Pibe, al fin puedo leer algo de lo que escribís y, que bueno, ya bailais el tango. Cuando nos veamos te voy a ofrecer todo un recital "vieja guardia". Te garantizo que conozco las letras de la mayoría, de la música mejor no hablar...

Que Sarah te lleve a la cortada Caminito en la Boca y verás en la pared el texto del popular tango del mismo nombre "Caminito que el tiempo ha borrado ...". Después un buen bife en la Costanera!.

Como ya viste, el Barça ha puesto la directa (6-1!) y ya no hay quien nos pare.

Divertíos mucho en Buenos Aires (por cierto, sabés que el nombre original de la ciudad es el de Nuestra Señora de los Buenos Aires?)

Un abrazo muy fuerte desde Torredembarra.


Ulrica sa...

Bonita la barda!

/Tu hermana

Ulrica sa...

I mean "barba"! :-)